Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How A Life Coach Can Help Moms

How A Life Coach Can Help WAHMs Succeed!
Work at home moms, also known as WAHMs, have a lot on their plates; they are full-time caretakers and full-time business women. A life coach can help WAHMs succeed in all areas of their lives.
A Life Coach Can Help WAHMs Stay Organized
Every mom knows the importance of organization; add a business to the mix and organization becomes even more important. As a WAHM, you need to know where your child’s play date is, when your next deadline is due, and what you are making for dinner.
A life coach can help you develop an organization system, set priorities and stay in control of your schedule. You’ll no longer waste precious time looking for things you’ve misplaced and you will no longer miss those important deadlines.
Get the Job Done & Spend Quality Time With Your Kids
In many cases, women become WAHMs because they want to spend more time with their children. However, when you have deadlines to meet and clients to please, finding time to spend with your children can be difficult.
A life coach can help you develop a work routine that will allow you balance your time between work and family. When you have a routine in place, you will know which hours are for work; and which are for play.
How a Life Coach can Help WAHMS Spend Time with Their Spouse
It can be easy to put romance on the backburner when you have your hands full. As a WAHM, you are tackling two “more than full-time” jobs. It is important to make time for your spouse, so that your marriage does not suffer.
A life coach can help you and your spouse work out a schedule where you both take on various household tasks. Having your spouse take over some of your chores will free up time on your schedule to create a date night together. You need time to be husband and wife, not just “mom” and “dad”.
How a Life Coach can Help WAHMs Get Time to Themselves
By nature, women tend to be people pleasers; a life coach can help you learn to say “no”. This will prevent you from taking on more work than you can handle. When you take on too much, your natural response is to limit the time you take for yourself. This can be a big mistake. You deserve to take time out for yourself; take a walk, read a magazine, get a manicure.
You will notice that when you take a break to be alone, get your thoughts together, and recharge your batteries, you will have renewed energy and passion for all areas of your life!

Find Great Life Coach Packages Here:
Basic Package
Enhanced Package
Spa Package

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